The Titans of Greek Mythology

In Greek Mythology, Atlas was a titan who was responsible for bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders, a punishment bestowed on him by Zeus. Atlas was given this task in retribution for him leading the Titans into battle, or Titanomachy, against the Olympian Gods for control of the heavens. Atlas was the son of the Titans Iapetus and Clymene, and his siblings were Epimetheus, Menoetius and Prometheus. Atlas also fathered the nymph Calypso and Maia who was one of the Pleiades and mother of the messenger God Hermes.
Coeus is the Titan God of the North, and the Titan of Resolve and Intelligence as well as the embodiment of the celestial axis around which the heavens revolve. The etymology of Coeus’ name provided scholars to theorise that he was also the God of intellect and represented the inquisitive mind, resolve and foresight. Coeus was the son of Uranus and Gaia and was married to his sister Phoebe, the Titan of Radiance and Prophecy.
Cronus is possibly the most famous of the Titans as he was the King and leader of his brothers fighting against Uranus and eventually the Olympian Gods. Born of Uranus and Gaia, he was the wiliest and youngest of their offspring and perhaps the most powerful. Cronus would gain by power by overthrowing his father and eventually lose it by being beaten by his son Zeus. In Greek mythology, Cronus was the primordial God of time, in which time was described as a destructive, all-devouring force.
A handsome Titan with flowing hair, driving a golden chariot pulled by four fiery steeds across the sky. That was the image that would come to the minds of ancient Greeks when they thought of Helios. To them, he was the representation of the sun and sunlight, traveling across the sky every day.
Hyperion is a Titan, one of the old gods who ruled before the Olympians. The god of light, he is the son of Uranus, or heaven and Gaea, or earth. Hyperion in turn is the father of the sun, Helios; the moon, Selene and the dawn, Eos. His wife was Thea, who was also a Titan, his sister and the goddess of sight and the blue of the sky. He was said to be breathtakingly beautiful. Hyperion’s name comes from he Greek for “the one who watches from above.” He is said to be the first to understand the cycles of the sun, the stars, the moon and the dawn or to even have ordered them in the first place.